Unique Aluminium PCB Heated bed custom made for the Tiertime Cetus 3D Printer.
Configurable Dual power mode
Compatible with tinyFab mainboard. Choose 12pin Version if you do not plan to use with stock MK1/2 mainboard. Otherwise choose 10 pin version. The 12 pin version includes the temperature sensor wire in the Flat Flex cable (ffc) so no need to attach the external sensor wire.
For Cetus MK1/2 stock mainboard, it can be connect directly to the mainboard via 10 pin FFC cable with max 60c thermal switch. or using tinyfab CPU to control the temperature with the tinyfab driver board (order seperately), external temperature wire required to attach to the driver/tinyFab CPU.
For Cetus MK3 stock mainboard, not supported, please concider switching to tinyfab mainboard.
Dimension - X185mm x Y185mm x 3mm thicknessTwo coil design - in series and parallel
Coil Resistance - 1.6 ohms in parallel 5.6ohms in Series@ 25C approx.
Power Configuration -
19V Low power mode 65W approx. ~3.3A (using internal power with thermal limited 60C)
12V Low power mode 25W approx. ~2.1A (external connector no thermal limit)
12V High power mode 90W approx. ~7.5A (external connector no thermal limit)
24V Low power mode 100W approx. ~ 4.2A (external connector no thermal limit)
*For external power please use an external MOSFET/RELAY temperature controller populated two status LEDs (one for each polarity) and a resistorpopulated 1% NTC thermistor B constant 3950 populated thermal cutoff switch for internal power onlypopulated connector for AWG24 - 18 wires Please make sure your power supply support the current drawn by the heated bed.
1x Custom Aluminium Heated Bed 25-100W for Tiertime Cetus 3D printer MK1/2/tinyfab mainboard
1x 300mm 10/12pin 1mm pitch FFC cable
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